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Congregation of

Sisters of St. Anne, Tiruchirappalli (SAT),

Tamilnadu, India.

"Simplicity in life and Service to the poor"

Service to differently abled


gallery 1

Gallery 2

Vibrant Celebration of the Infant Jesus Festival
Vibrant Celebration of the Infant Jesus Festival

“The more you honour me, the more I will bless you.”...

April 4, 2024

St. Anne’s Residence – Azhagappapuram
St. Anne’s Residence – Azhagappapuram

In commemoration of the completion of 75 years of our Azhagappapuram...

March 19, 2024

Service to differently abled

The Congregation is rendering service ministry to visually impaired, hearing impaired, mobility impaired and intellectually challenged children by providing special education and training through 14 Special Schools and Rehabilitation Centres, four Day care Centres and three Community Based Rehabilitation Centres with the sole purpose to transform these unfortunate children to be independent and self reliant and to be treated in a dignified way so that they are accepted with love and affection in their families and the society.

Service to Visually Impaired Childrengovernancepic1

  • Training in Braille and Long Print Methods
  • Mathematics Through Abacus and Style Frame
  • Audio Teaching and Mobility Training
  • Training to Play Musical Instruments




Service to Hearing Impaired children


  • Training in Lip Reading and Lip Movement
  • Using Drill system and Babbling Sounds
  • Auditory Training
  • Training in Basic Communication Skills





Service to Mobility Impaired Children

  • Training in Lip Reading and Lip Movement
  • Using Drill System and Babbling Sounds
  • Auditory Training
  • Training in Basic Communication Skills




Service to Intellectually Challenged Children


  • Early Intervention Services
  • Special Education Classes Based on IQ
  • Developing skills through Activities for Daily Living (ADL skills)
  • Developing Functional Literacy, Numeracy and Social Skills
  • Computer skill Training
  • Vocational Training